AWSTATS DATA FILE 7.4 (build 20140726) # If you remove this file, all statistics for date 201701 will be lost/reset. # Last config file used to build this data file was /home/go2hei5/tmp/awstats/ # Position (offset in bytes) in this file for beginning of each section for # direct I/O access. If you made changes somewhere in this file, you should # also remove completely the MAP section (AWStats will rewrite it at next # update). BEGIN_MAP 28 POS_GENERAL 2010 POS_TIME 2670 POS_VISITOR 8902 POS_DAY 12593 POS_DOMAIN 3517 POS_LOGIN 4004 POS_ROBOT 4159 POS_WORMS 4672 POS_EMAILSENDER 4803 POS_EMAILRECEIVER 4946 POS_SESSION 13378 POS_SIDER 13586 POS_FILETYPES 5081 POS_DOWNLOADS 5369 POS_OS 5417 POS_BROWSER 5721 POS_SCREENSIZE 6761 POS_UNKNOWNREFERER 6835 POS_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER 7438 POS_ORIGIN 7638 POS_SEREFERRALS 7780 POS_PAGEREFS 7935 POS_SEARCHWORDS 8231 POS_KEYWORDS 8383 POS_MISC 2332 POS_ERRORS 8442 POS_CLUSTER 3860 POS_SIDER_404 8593 END_MAP # LastLine = Date of last record processed - Last record line number in last log - Last record offset in last log - Last record signature value # FirstTime = Date of first visit for history file # LastTime = Date of last visit for history file # LastUpdate = Date of last update - Nb of parsed records - Nb of parsed old records - Nb of parsed new records - Nb of parsed corrupted - Nb of parsed dropped # TotalVisits = Number of visits # TotalUnique = Number of unique visitors # MonthHostsKnown = Number of hosts known # MonthHostsUnKnown = Number of hosts unknown BEGIN_GENERAL 8 LastLine 20170201205430 1 0 9182257473667 FirstTime 0 LastTime 20170131061939 LastUpdate 20170202072753 1 0 0 0 0 TotalVisits 141 TotalUnique 85 MonthHostsKnown 0 MonthHostsUnknown 90 END_GENERAL # Misc ID - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_MISC 10 DirectorSupport 0 0 0 QuickTimeSupport 0 0 0 WindowsMediaPlayerSupport 0 0 0 TotalMisc 0 0 0 JavaEnabled 0 0 0 FlashSupport 0 0 0 RealPlayerSupport 0 0 0 AddToFavourites 0 101 0 PDFSupport 0 0 0 JavascriptDisabled 0 0 0 END_MISC # Hour - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth - Not viewed Pages - Not viewed Hits - Not viewed Bandwidth BEGIN_TIME 24 0 26 37 1138103 12 25 675777 1 297 604 15236485 81 205 2159088 2 322 542 16933097 86 153 976160 3 318 579 18431626 67 149 933866 4 356 449 14558889 60 143 414197 5 161 407 10383597 27 59 806267 6 72 145 3576836 24 53 478202 7 37 131 4540836 15 170 949111 8 7 40 1344837 14 57 1743327 9 15 38 1707128 7 24 1088053 10 7 69 2621362 1278 1287 714695 11 5 61 2194250 12 19 547324 12 0 0 0 11 22 604679 13 6 53 2101692 10 16 558717 14 4 24 1041411 12 14 389102 15 4 16 716617 2 5 268928 16 0 0 0 4 10 333826 17 2 2 81013 12 33 1437973 18 6 37 1176765 9 17 604740 19 21 129 3854434 9 24 397091 20 40 197 7176820 19 48 1176590 21 168 311 10658188 36 71 615368 22 217 494 14571760 34 87 484578 23 327 722 23667862 75 190 1460205 END_TIME # Domain - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth # The 25 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_DOMAIN 18 pk 2177 4128 124206189 us 155 467 15540784 il 32 69 2319572 ca 15 15 342450 br 15 248 9231851 my 6 92 3273159 gb 3 3 121711 ua 3 3 121483 ru 2 15 542065 fr 2 2 80773 ve 1 13 379369 md 1 1 40710 it 1 1 40710 lu 1 1 40710 th 1 1 40063 ph 1 7 462258 nl 1 1 40063 tn 1 20 889688 END_DOMAIN # Cluster ID - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_CLUSTER 0 END_CLUSTER # Login - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 10 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_LOGIN 0 END_LOGIN # Robot ID - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit - Hits on robots.txt # The 25 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_ROBOT 10 spider 151 7837186 20170130200438 0 googlebot 112 3733742 20170129000426 17 bot[\s_+:,\.\;\/\\-] 69 2198561 20170129082217 27 bingpreview 30 1078111 20170127081445 0 unknown 15 390 20170129114340 15 checker 10 298027 20170125180743 3 no_user_agent 5 121372 20170131012210 2 php 3 15565 20170116031256 0 [\s_+:,\.\;\/\\-]bot 2 40329 20170126230907 1 crawl 1 40824 20170119030010 0 END_ROBOT # Worm ID - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 5 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_WORMS 0 END_WORMS # EMail - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 20 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_EMAILSENDER 0 END_EMAILSENDER # EMail - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 20 first hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_EMAILRECEIVER 0 END_EMAILRECEIVER # Files type - Hits - Bandwidth - Bandwidth without compression - Bandwidth after compression BEGIN_FILETYPES 11 gif 26 743976 0 0 woff2 25 396616 0 0 woff 23 1756104 0 0 html 184 7413986 0 0 png 862 20040786 0 0 js 883 35152552 0 0 jpeg 11 288088 0 0 css 661 19620214 0 0 jpg 226 6068762 0 0 Unknown 2177 65740488 0 0 ttf 9 492036 0 0 END_FILETYPES # Downloads - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_DOWNLOADS 0 END_DOWNLOADS # OS ID - Hits BEGIN_OS ID - Hits - Pages 18 linux 18 15 macosx8 9 3 winxp 23 5 win8.1 199 42 win7 3834 2011 Unknown 64 33 macosx 2 2 ios_iphone 162 35 macosx9 6 4 macosx6 6 2 win2003 11 9 linuxandroid 1 1 macosx7 5 3 blackberry 1 1 winlong 5 3 win8 445 158 winnt 295 90 macosx5 1 1 END_OS # Browser ID - Hits - Pages BEGIN_BROWSER 51 safari6.0.5 3 0 opera42.0.2393.517 15 2 opera42.0.2393.94 247 164 chrome55.0.2883.95 2 2 firefox15.0.1 1 1 firefox47.0 1 1 chrome36.0.1985.143 285 20 firefox27.3 1 0 msie6.0 1 1 Unknown 17 17 firefox33.0 1 1 opera12.16 32 2 chrome23.0.1271.97 1 1 mozilla 13 12 msie7.0 11 9 chrome45.0.2454.94 1 1 chrome31.0.1650.57 9 5 firefox24.0 1 1 chrome28.0.1500.71 1 1 chrome34.0.1847.116 1 1 firefox50.0 1069 570 chrome44.0.2403.89 1 1 chrome40.0.2214.93 1 1 safari6.1.1 2 0 chrome26.0.1410.65 1 1 chrome32.0.1700.107 20 1 safari5.1.9 4 1 msie11.0 8 5 firefox26.0 13 8 chrome27.0.1453.90 1 1 firefox36.0 2 0 chrome32.0.1700.41 2 1 chrome47.0.2526.111 60 4 chrome55.0.2883.87 3021 1512 msie11 1 1 msie10.0 3 1 firefox28.0 1 1 chrome31.0.1650.63 25 7 firefox14.0.1 10 10 firefox27.0 4 3 chrome37.0.2062.120 3 3 safari9.0 15 13 firefox25.0 4 1 blackberry 1 1 safari6.1 2 1 safari10.0 147 22 chrome32.0.1700.76 14 2 chrome35.0.1916.153 1 1 firefox11.0 4 0 chrome41.0.2228.0 1 1 chrome34.0.1847.137 2 2 END_BROWSER # Screen size - Hits BEGIN_SCREENSIZE 0 END_SCREENSIZE # Unknown referer OS - Last visit date BEGIN_UNKNOWNREFERER 9 Mozilla/5.0o_Gecko/20100101_Firefox/47.0 20170120100710 hint 20170108171411 python-requests/2.9.1 20170130223537 Mozilla/5.0_AppleWebKit/537.36_(KHTML,_like_Gecko)_Chrome/55.0.2883.95_Safari/537.36 20170126231959 Opera/9.80_(Android;_Opera_Mini/21.0.2254/37.9224;_U;_en)_Presto/2.12.423_Version/12.16 20170112200739 Mozilla/5.0_(compatible;;) 20170101215001 Mozilla/6.0_(compatible) 20170126075914 eContext/1.0_(eContext_Classification_Engine) 20170112234506 Mozilla/5.0_(compatible) 20170126073357 END_UNKNOWNREFERER # Unknown referer Browser - Last visit date BEGIN_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER 3 hint 20170108171411 python-requests/2.9.1 20170130223537 eContext/1.0_(eContext_Classification_Engine) 20170112234506 END_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER # Origin - Pages - Hits BEGIN_ORIGIN 6 From0 245 277 From1 0 0 From2 1 1 From3 20 20 From4 2152 4789 From5 0 0 END_ORIGIN # Search engine referers ID - Pages - Hits BEGIN_SEREFERRALS 1 yandex 1 1 END_SEREFERRALS # External page referers - Pages - Hits # The 25 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_PAGEREFS 5 13 13 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 END_PAGEREFS # Search keyphrases - Number of search # The 10 first number of search must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_SEARCHWORDS 0 END_SEARCHWORDS # Search keywords - Number of search # The 25 first number of search must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_KEYWORDS 0 END_KEYWORDS # Errors - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_ERRORS 5 206 40 1993115 302 929 671354 301 1328 317260 500 73 1249798 405 12 184644 END_ERRORS # URL with 404 errors - Hits - Last URL referrer BEGIN_SIDER_404 0 END_SIDER_404 # Host - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit date - [Start date of last visit] - [Last page of last visit] # [Start date of last visit] and [Last page of last visit] are saved only if session is not finished # The 25 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_VISITOR 90 729 1084 31548856 20170116063228 724 1419 43815664 20170131024234 273 466 12640940 20170117025232 153 278 5521601 20170119015904 71 150 4768160 20170130214847 65 231 8835270 20170125021413 62 101 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20170118133932 1 1 40710 20170110135011 2 30 1090521 20170106103102 1 1 40710 20170118034456 1 1 40710 20170118062219 1 1 40710 20170108212713 4 37 1221837 20170119194649 2 30 1063145 20170113112329 1 1 40572 20170116152548 2 30 1090521 20170112201420 1 1 40950 20170114031431 1 15 388624 20170104221333 1 1 40710 20170116030141 1 1 40710 20170105050432 0 2 1478 1 1 40063 20170126172456 2 31 1091319 20170119220318 0 1 2167 2 31 1091319 20170118231917 1 1 40950 20170113145404 1 1 40063 20170127135500 1 7 462258 20170113092055 1 1 40710 20170118032305 2 30 1090521 20170104130622 2 30 1063145 20170107190617 2 31 1090798 20170124102041 1 21 919041 20170110143420 1 1 40710 20170107024152 2 31 1091319 20170123233728 1 1 40710 20170106001525 3 27 629318 20170126075918 1 1 0 20170122210809 0 1 2167 1 1 40063 20170125210441 2 30 1090521 20170110072402 3 3 28017 20170125214133 1 21 677568 20170110050356 1 31 1057680 20170112200735 1 1 40710 20170115051626 1 1 40710 20170111060704 1 1 40710 20170111223427 0 1 2167 2 15 542065 20170101205515 1 1 40303 20170126073342 1 1 40710 20170116030138 1 1 40710 20170117143349 2 31 1090680 20170130072636 END_VISITOR # Date - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth - Visits BEGIN_DAY 29 20170101 14 27 762385 2 20170102 2 21 930398 2 20170104 4 46 1519855 3 20170105 3 31 1131231 2 20170106 4 32 1171941 3 20170107 3 31 1103855 2 20170108 3 3 122370 3 20170110 6 74 2768550 5 20170111 4 32 1171941 3 20170112 20 120 4359365 5 20170113 7 69 2670208 5 20170114 2 2 81660 2 20170115 17 121 3028225 2 20170116 1106 1630 46960401 12 20170117 141 339 9783191 10 20170118 255 467 17136246 13 20170119 156 353 8889756 10 20170120 42 146 4826891 7 20170121 25 43 918635 1 20170122 11 22 1037247 3 20170123 101 194 6096997 8 20170124 140 486 17825522 9 20170125 35 76 1697990 5 20170126 40 94 3226699 7 20170127 1 1 40063 1 20170128 2 14 419432 2 20170129 97 240 7227176 3 20170130 83 210 6441978 8 20170131 94 163 4363400 3 END_DAY # Session range - Number of visits 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